Barbie Wednesdays – August 2nd
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

With the hectic day of random activities on Tuesday. It was nice to get back to normal activity periods. With the wolves returning from two amazing trips, camp was at full capacity and was absolutely packed with energy. With the sun out all day long, activities were running perfectly and the waterfront was the place to be.
The best part of the day was cabin night. With all of camp cooking the classic red Maine hot dogs. The kitchen got a needed break and the campers enjoyed cooking their food over the fire. Afterwards some tasty s’mores each cabin got to choose what they did for evening activity. The waterfront was packed with Jungle Jeff taking five campers in canoes and the raft alternating cabins every 10 minutes. Along with the field playing sharks and Minnows. Lastly, the Senior Campers went on a secret mission that led them off campus. After an absolutely packed day it quickly quieted down into some much needed rest.