8.3.16 – Dance the Night Away
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Camp may have been at half capacity when the day began, but we were back to full strength by evening Flagpole, just in time for an historic night. For as many years as Birch Rockers between the ages of 12-16 have wondered aloud about hosting our own dance while driving back from the Arcadia Garden Party, those dreams finally came to fruition tonight thanks to the relentless of our CIT crew who began plotting it weeks ago. The tennis net was taken out, the court surrounded by strands of twinkling lights, and flaming Tiki torches encircled the Old Grove and driveway where hors d’oeuvres and build-your-own-s’mores were served. The dancing and socializing and exemplary gentlemanly behavior carried on well past sundown, and by the time t-shirts had been exchanged and a Birch Rock cheer was given for our guests, the inaugural BRC Shindig was deemed a smashing success.
But a lot still happened before tonight’s festivities. CIT Jack C. challenged Cheilang L. to a round of soccer golf during first period, marking the course with cones that acted as impromptu holes around, on top of and in front of obstacles around the field. (The scorecard was unavailable, but it was “close.”) Devon A. took advantage of a calm day on the waters to stroke his way around the lake for yet another Whale. We’re going through so much Whale cake this summer that Chef Jon had to order another barrel of frosting just to keep up.
Also this morning, another contingent of Birch Rock boys made the trip down to Arcadia for a little friendly competition, this time for the Swim Meet. Waterfront Director Ben didn’t have the official results, but did confirm that a good time was had by all who went. Meanwhile, Tyler S. and Finn O. complete their journeys across the lake for their Ducks for a big, quacking round of applause.
The mystery of the missing tetherball continues without any substantial leads, so Eyob G. took matters into his own hands during Second General this afternoon by inventing a new game — tethersock! Yep, just stuff a shirt down into a tube sock, cinch it up tight, tie it to the string, and, presto!, hours of cheap entertainment.
While the camp was full up again tonight, it won’t last long. The Moose head out tomorrow for hiking and canoeing trips of their own while most of the Beavers join Coach and Counselor Steven for an overnight trip to Kancamagus, NH. The week is blitzing by, but there are big things in the works for the weekend. Very big things.
Ducks: Tyler S. & Finn O.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Cole D.
Best Cabin: 8
Super Camper: Devon A.
Tomorrow’s Action
Sebastian T. takes over the blog again; more long-distance swims; upper camp talks incessantly about the dance; lower camp speculates incessantly about the dance; sun, sun and more sun