June 28 – Camp Songs or Speedball?
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Just an incredible day here at the Rock. The weather was sometimes a little cold and sometimes a little hot all day, but it seemed overall to be just right.
First, A Special Notice: Yesterday, most of the older campers, the young men of Owls Perch and Pete’s Palace, headed out on two grand adventures. One group went to hike the Presidentials and the other group went up to canoe the Rangely Lakes region. We look forward to their return and the stories they will bring back to camp.
The boys were all over the hillside today, actively learning and working on badge parts. A few more campers earned their knife rights and many are already talking about their fire rights next. They are setting goals and going after them, it’s great to see. Joseph B had an epic Loon swim (which is across the lake and back again, about a mile and a quarter swim. He swam through a few big waves as the wind picked up after he was in the water, but managed to march right through it. Here’s to you, Joseph!
This afternoon was more of the same. With lots of wind, the sailing was sensational and the boys did a terrific job out there. Also, this afternoon, some of our oldest campers (mostly guys from Cabin 8) went on an adventure on Route 26. First, to the Grey Animal Park to observe local wildlife that is on the mend and that they hope will be released into the wild. Then, also visited the Poland Spring Preservation Park where they have a small museum that has it’s focus 0n bottling and distribution of Poland Spring Water and also has Maine Artwork, Maine Gems, Maine Stories, etc. A great local experience!
Tonight, the boys had a noise volume vote for which activity we would do on the hill. Peter Brewster, our Field Director, acted as our Noise Meter and gave them a choice between singing Camp Songs or playing Speedball. While it was extremely close, because the staff all wanted Camp Songs, the boys won in the end. We played Speedball.
What a day!!
Best Bed: James N
Best Cabin: Munn
Super Camper: Braedon P, helped out sweeping the disco deck
Blog Writer: Mike Mattson