Go!- July 11th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It is officially go time! Counselors are here, CITs are here, and the campers are coming tomorrow! We absolutely cannot wait to welcome the rest of our leadership camp to the hillside of Lake McWain. The lawns are mowed, the cabins are painted and the paths are raked. All we need now are the smiling faces of our campers.
It was an exciting day for counselors as we welcomed our CITs and finished our list of work projects (is it ever really finished though?). Having our eager CITs join us gave us a real reminder of what it feels like to be at camp. For them, it was a quick turn around and immediate realization of the work that goes into getting camp opened and ready for business.
We ended our day with a classic Birch Rock cookout and a fantastic carrot cake to celebrate Emme’s 29th birthday. After hearing about her love of live music, the Boathouse Boys quickly gathered up their instruments and joined Jon Allberry for a fireside performance at Pat’s Pit. The rest of the counselors and CITs pulled up chairs and enjoyed the performance before diving into another brainstorming session about how to make this summer as EPIC as possible!
-Brian Farley